For our next upcoming event in the spring of 2025, recruiTECH and recruiTECH CEE contact us at for sponsorship information!
We launched the recruiTECH event to serve as a compass for all those who have recognized that technology is drastically transforming the recruitment profession. The conference is always focusing on the recruitment of intellectual talent and the related technological solutions available, typically featuring 4-5 international speakers.
Blue-collar recruitment has also been affected by the change. New solutions, tools and methodologies are needed to find the right quality of workforce as efficiently as possible. The field is so specific that it deserves a dedicated knowledge-sharing platform. That’s why we created the recruiTECH BLUE conference, which aimed mostly at providing professional support to companies recruiting in this field. Most recently, 750+ professionals and 45+ speakers attended our event.
The top international recruitment & TA profession forum of the Central and Eastern European region bringing HR and TA industry leaders together! An international conference and exhibition without borders, fully dedicated to provide firsthand experience with the latest, top-notch recruitment tech along with a ton of learning and networking opportunities in the heart of Europe.